Bell Tower of St. Euphemia
October 6, 2021
Dear Mr. Fantasy
October 7, 2021



Erosion is the "gradual destruction or diminution of something". In this case I refer to the erosion of nothing less than our most precious gift, freedom. We are nothing if we aren't free and I sense our freedom is being eroded daily, if not by the hour, around the world. It begins with an assault on the truth as it did in Nazi Germany with the big lie and propaganda. And it ends here, at places like Birkenau, Poland, the companion camp next to Auschwitz. I walked this "road of death" just two weeks ago. This is the railway camp where millions of men, women and children were transported from 1941-45 and the "selection" process began as soon as the passenger trains stopped. Nazi SS doctors chose who lived and who died at this very spot. Families were separated as only those deemed able bodied were selected for work in the camps while the weak, elderly and children were immediately taken to the gas chambers, approximately 25% of all arrivals. As previously posted over one million innocents died here at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camps. As I walked this terrible place, I couldn't help but wonder what the German people were thinking as the Nazis came to power; did they have any notion that their freedom was being eroded? Pax Vobiscum


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