We are each on our
own unique journey...
and here's mine

About Stratton

Originally born in Charleston, S.C., I have been a civil trial attorney for over 40 years, practicing the entire time in Dallas, Texas. Like many of us, in my late 30’s I embarked on a classic spiritual quest when I felt unhappy, dissatisfied and unfulfilled about my life. What I ultimately discovered from my quest was that, a la Joseph Campbell, I had placed my ladder of life against the wrong wall of material success and excess and climbed it all the way to the top only to be unhappy and unfulfilled. I could not understand the source of my anxiety because I seemingly had everything I thought I ever wanted. I realized that the right wall (for me) was moderation, humility and balance and sought to reposition my ladder against that wall. I had to literally deconstruct myself to find out what had gotten me so off track and start over. I questioned everything, including my faith. It was a daunting and terrifying experience at first, but as I began using my legal training as a means of self -discovery I learned that it was an ideal method for finding my own bliss. After all, no one has all the answers, but as an attorney I knew how to ask the questions. I even took my own deposition! To my surprise, through all this I learned I did not have to become a monk and flee to a Shangri-La-like monastery on the top of a mountain to be happy. I discovered that true happiness is ultimately found within us, no matter where we happen to be.

Pax Vobiscum,



As an author, I seek to enlighten those around me as I have been enlightened.


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