Little Rock Central High
October 7, 2021
Cahokia: City of the Sun (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
October 7, 2021

Mysterious Markawasi

Mysterious Markawasi

Markawasi, Peru is a mysterious, mystical desert plateau high in the Andes Mountains. It is an otherworldly “stone forest” landscape that I had the opportunity a few years ago to visit with my friend Dr. Robert Schoch, a prominent geologist with Boston University. Robert had been asked to study the rock formations closely resembling human, reptile and animal faces and bodies to determine if they were natural or manmade. In short, some believe the shapes to be evidence of an ancient civilization or even more farfetched, of ancient aliens. Robert has spent years studying and analyzing other curious monuments around the world including the Great Sphinx and Yonaguni (Japan) and had asked me to tag along which I happily did. This photo is of a huge granite outcrop closely resembling a human head staring at the sky known as the Monument to Humanity. The scenery is spectacular but I’m not going to spoil Robert’s conclusions! But I will tell you the bone crunching, teeth chattering bus ride to the top was a frightening experience.


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